Friday, December 25, 2009

Jack Gabriel Epstein

Today was my nephew's bris, whose name is Jack Gabriel Epstein. When I first heard they were going to name him that, i thought- wow, i don't think I know any jews named Jack. But the more I think about it, the more I like it and realize how nice of a name it really is- a very 21st century name that I think fits well together. He is so freakin cute- it was tough to see him in so much pain, but some things just must be done, and this was unfortunately one of them. I cannot wait to see him tomorrow night- he looks different every time I see him, its astonishing how often baby's features change.

After the bris, I went to see The Young Victoria. Usually I am weary about costume historical dramas like this, but wow was I astonished at the story-line and acting in this film. Emily Blunt was fantastic and although it is going to be a tough Best Actress oscar race, I think she should and will get a nomination. Overall, the film was engaging and historical and intriguing and everything that I like about movies- why should I expect anything less from a film that Martin Scorcese allowed his name to be put on.

Should be a quiet weekend- probably going to start reading Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol. If it's anywhere up to par with his other books, I am sure I will finish it by the end of the weekend.

Saw another trailer for Crazy Heart today, and I am so excited to see this film. It really seems like Jeff Bridges gives the performance of a lifetime and I always enjoy watching Maggie Gyllenhaal. Hopefully the film will not disappoint. Also, I heard from a friend (JM) that Sherlock Holmes was great and RDJ was fantastic (no surprise there)- so hopefully I will get a chance to see that soon as well.

Anyways, Happy holidays.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

First day blogging

today is my first day blogging. i thought- enough of facebook status updates and annoying everyone with what i have to say. if you really want to know what i think, you can now read my blog. it is christmas eve, and i am currently sitting in apartment waiting for my jewish friend to have a christmas dinner party--irony eh? as i walk around the city on a night like tonight, its funny to see all these people walking around doing their last minute christmas shopping. i am thankful that i am jewish and dont have to get 25 people 25 different presents. although it would be nice to receive some presents. RIGHT now im in total movie mode- trying to see as many oscar-worthy movies as possible before the big night. saw the blind side yesterday, and wow, what a film. sandra bullock like youve never seen and just a great story all around. i really hope sandra gets a best actress nod- she deserves it. it is common knowledge that actors and actresses get what we like to call "career" nominations, which mean they were necessarily sensational in this role, but they are getting a nomination for their whole body of work, ala morgan freeman for million dollar baby or perhaps, as some would argue (but i disagree) kate winslet for the reader. hopefully going to go see avatar soon-the word ive heard so far is: visually stunning, poor story line. i dont know what to think about that, because i dont think james cameron has made a bad movie EVER....terminator, aliens, T2, the abyss, true lies, titanic (whatever your thoughts are on this, it still won 11 oscars)...avatar just has to be amazing- and i wont think otherwise until i see it for myself.
Oscar Worthy movies seen so far:
Up in the Air
A Single Man
The Road
The Blind Side
Inglorious Basterds

Need to See:
The Young Victoria
Crazy Heart
The Lovely Bones
A Serious Man (I know, i am pretty late with that one)
The Hurt Locker
The Last Station

well thats all for today...have my nephews bris tomorrow VERY early in the morning- should be exciting. happy holidays everyone!!