Thursday, May 5, 2011

Zoe Saldana, the next big action star?

After Avatar, it was only a matter of time before Zoe Salanda got to headline her own movie. Little did we know she would be playing a stone-cold and, might I add, smoking hot, assassin out for revenge.

Ever since I saw her in Center Stage, I knew there was something special about her. Granted, that movie is a total C-level film, but a total cult-classic that anyone who has seen the movie can attest to.

Today, Sony Pictures released the first trailer (embedded below) for the Zoe's new film, Columbiana, and all things considered it looks absolutely ridiculous. The intensity and pacing for the film is exactly what you expect from this type of film, and I'm hoping it delivers. The film could go either way though--it will either be absolutely ridiculous in the most amazing way possible, or it will just be a total snoozefest. I'm clearly hoping for the former, and no doubt it could do wonders for Saldana's career. We've seen her do comedy (Guess Who, Death at a Funeral), Sci-Fi (Star Trek), and Drama (The Terminal), and it will be interesting to see what Saldana does with her newfound rise to the next level.

Hollywood surely won't be complaining if the film is a hit. There aren't too many female actresses these days that can carry an action film, besides Angelina Jolie and.....ummm....ughhhhhh.....yea. Shall we add Zoe Saldana to that list?

The film comes from the creators behind Taken, and is directed by Olivier Megaton, best known for helming Transporter 3 (and reportedly directing Taken 2, with Liam Neeson). The trailer has a very distinctive feel that elicits memory of past Luc Besson films, a la The Professional, as well as the first Taken.

Colombiana comes out on September 2, 2011 in the United States, the same weekend as another film that I am excited for, the much-delayed The Debt (more about that in a later post).

[Side note: Where on earth has Michael Vartan been? I feel like he hasn't done a film sinceNever Been Kissed. (OK fine- he made Monster-in-Law, but even that was 6 years ago.)]

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